Monday, April 30, 2007

Possessing, Not Receiving, The Promises of God

My post from earlier today, although only a few minutes old, got me to thinking about how often we encourage people to "receive" some gift or promise from God. As I wrote earlier I used the phrase "possess the promise" of God. I don't know why I wrote it that way, and I have no clue why I started thinking about it, but we must encourage people to possess the promises of God instead of just receive the promises of God.

"BLASPHEMER!" I hear you say. I know I am flying in the face of what we customarily practice in many corners of Western Christianity, but at least give me two minutes to make my case.

The Promised Land was called the Promised Land because it was promised by God. (duh) For the descendents of Israel to recieve the Promised Land they had to possess the Promised Land. The difference between possessing and receiving is that the former is active while the latter is passive. To receive something is to wait on someone to give something to you. To take possession of something requires one to take action.

If by "receive" we mean "believe", then I would agree that we must receive the promises of God. However, for the promises to fulfill their value to us we must possess them as well. The Jewish people could have "received" the Promised Land for all eternity, but the full value and enjoyment of being the recipients of that promise was not theirs until they possessed the land - until they possessed the promise.

What promise from God have you received that you are not possessing? What words of hope and encouragement has he spoken to you that you are passively waiting on him to fulfill? It is time for you to quit waiting on circumstances to change. It is time for you to make whatever changes you need to make, to take the action you need to take, to set aside the things that are hindering you, and POSSESS THE PROMISE OF GOD!

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