Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sometimes It Doesn’t Make Sense

The storm was so bad they literally wrapped ropes around the ship to hold it together.
For fourteen days they were at the mercy of the storm, most of the time without food. Everything that wasn’t “nailed down” had been thrown overboard, and they had given up all hope of being saved.

Paul warned them it wouldn’t end well, and they didn’t listen. Still, the Lord assured Paul that none would lose their lives, and Paul shared that with his shipmates. On the fourteenth night they realized they were near land, so they dropped anchor, hoping the ship would hold together long enough to make a run at the beach during daylight. Some of the men tried to slip away in the lifeboat, but Paul warned the centurion guarding him that if that happened, the centurion would not be saved. 

The centurion did the unthinkable; he got rid of the lifeboat. He cut the ropes and let it drift away. He was “all-in.” From a human perspective it made more sense to keep the lifeboat "just in case," but the centurion thought his best option was to put his trust in God, even if that trust was only by proxy through Paul.

A friend of mine once ignored the leading of God to go on a short-term mission trip. The region to which God was calling him was just too dangerous, and then he ended up almost being killed at home in a traffic accident. That’s when he learned the safest thing to do is to trust God, even when it doesn’t seem to make sense.

This all makes me wonder where the lifeboats are in my life. Where am I fooling myself, thinking I’m all in and yet holding on to other options just in case? Where is God calling me to sell out, and yet I’m keeping a lifeboat around because it makes sense? Where are the ropes that need to be cut make sure my trust is in God and nowhere else?

What about you? Are you letting anything hang around that might tempt you to trust someone or something other than God? Maybe it’s time to sharpen some knives and cuts some ropes.

(See Acts 27 for the story as it’s told in the Bible.)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Don't Surrender to Fear

In reading the book of Joshua I am struck by how often God encourages Joshua not to be afraid. Joshua must have been dealing with fear for the Lord to encourage him to be strong and courageous. When I remember who Joshua was, I find myself encouraged that this great, seemingly fearless leader of God’s people had to receive regular encouragement from God not to be afraid. His willingness to overcome his fear and trust God was what allowed him to lead the Hebrew people to take possession of the Promised Land.

I seldom think of myself as “fearful.” I use words like common sense and wisdom sometimes when what I really am is afaid. I can provide lists of why I have not moved forward to blaze the trails for God in this world that I’ve dreamed about. When I’m really honest with myself and others, it’s fear that holds me back; fear of failure, fear of looking stupid, fear of not having the approval of others, and even fear of what I might lose in terms of material possessions and finances.

Today I hear the voice of God whispering to me in the same way he whispered to Joshua millenia ago. He says to me be strong and courageous. Fear not. I will be with you. You will succeed.

Those whispers are not for me alone. They are for you. What dreams has God given you to advance his cause? What fears are holding you back? Listen! You will hear him say to you...
"Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9, GNB)