Friday, December 17, 2010


Genesis 3:10 (NIV) — 10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”

Among the first things we learn as we acquaint ourselves with the pages of the Bible is the story of Adam and Eve. When interpreted strictly as a historical event the story is pretty straight forward and the rereading of it yields little new information.  When we interpret the story from the vantage point of what it tells us about the nature of human beings, God, and their relationships new insights are endless.  I’ve known the story for at least forty years and just last week a new insight surfaced for me.

I’m not exaggerating when I say there is nothing I find more satisfying than connecting with God through some focused time of prayer, study, meditation, spiritual reading, or some other exercise meant to foster an intimate encounter with Him.  Yet, it is so easy for me to neglect those activities allowing all sorts of endeavors to push them to side.  This has always been a mystery to me.  Why?  Why would I neglect to do that which is more satisfying, enthralling and helpful to me than anything else I do?

In the story of Adam and Eve God is pictured as looking for them in the garden, yet they are hiding from God because of their disobedience.  They are afraid.  The reason Adam gives for his fear is his nakedness.  They have failed God and realize they stand totally exposed before Him.  It may not be so much about a lack of clothing as it is about their realization of how they have failed God.  They stand exposed before God and themselves in their lack of being who they were created to be, so they hide. 

I think my own awareness of how I don’t measure up plays a role in why I sometimes avoid spending time with God.  Even though I know God loves and forgives me, there are corners of my heart and head that are not fully persuaded of this truth, so I try to hide in the bushes of busyness or neglect.  Knowing I am unworthy perhaps I am fearful to consciously be in His presence.  The only reason why this would be true for me or any of us is if we are trying to live life with God based on our own merits instead of on His.

None of us are worthy to be in the presence of God.  We have all sinned.  We have all gone our own way.  We can never enter or be in God’s presence or move forward in a life with Him based on the basis or our personal worthiness.  The only way any fellowship with God is possible is because He has made it so.  We are completely dependent upon His grace and mercy.  So if I am hiding from God because I am unworthy, then even though I know better I have to conclude there is still some dark shadow of self-righteous living in me.  The only way I can feel unworthy is by depending upon myself rather than depending upon God’s provision to make me worthy.  God is sufficient, but I am not.

Pride in who we are is a life-long enemy on the stage of life with God.  No matter how many times we strike it down it lurks in the shadows ever yearning for the spotlight.  The moment pride appears on the stage, it draws attention away from God and the plot of our lives begin to revolve around ourselves instead of God.  Self righteous pride will keep us from God, and it will keep God from manifesting His life in and through us.  Therefore it must be struck down daily in order to keep it from upstaging God’s life in us. Perhaps this is one reason why Paul said, "I die daily.” (I Corinthian 5.31)

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